Page 7 - Byfields Budget 2024
P. 7

Dr Chalmers has resisted calls to implement measures which were
               recommended by the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee, which called
               for an increase to Jobseeker to 90 per cent of the aged pension - which
               amounts to $1,004.67 per week - a $121 per week increase.

               “We take it seriously, [but] we can't afford to do every recommendation
               put to us by that committee,” he said earlier this month.

               The 2023 Budget granted JobSeekers an additional $40 a fortnight - a
               measure which was criticised by recipients and activist groups for not being
               generous enough.

               If you want to go to TAFE to become a tradie...

               The government is hoping an extra 20,000 places in fee-free TAFE training
               programs will boost the number of tradies in construction and housing.

               The $90 million national package is being touted as a budget cash splash
               which will help Labor deliver on its promise to build 1.2 million more homes
               to keep up with Australia's rising population, which is almost at 27 million.

               An additional 15,000 fee-free TAFE and VET places will also be made

               available over a two-year period starting January 1.

               The government has also committed $26.4 million alongside states and
               territories to create 5,000 new openings for pre-apprenticeship programs.

               These initiatives build upon ones that are already in place. To December
               31, 2023, some 355,000 students had been supported through the fee-free
               TAFE program.

               Skills and Training Minister Brendan O'Connor described the latest round of
               funding as a “great opportunity for people to gain a trade”.

               And Housing Minister Julie Collins said the initiatives are the “best way to
               address Australia's housing challenges”.

               ‘'More homes mean more affordable options for everyone – whether

               they're buying, renting or needing a safe space for the night”.

               “But to build more homes we need more tradies, and that is what this
               announcement will deliver. It's just one way we're working across

               Government to build the homes Australia needs.”
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