Page 3 - Advice Matters - Byfields Wealth May 24
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Welcome to
                                                       another edition of           Contents

                                                       ‘Advice Matters’             4    The power of compound interest
                                                       Magazine                          and regular interest over time
                                                                                    6    Supercharge your Super before
                                                                                         the clock strikes EOFY!
           With the end of this financial year fast approaching thoughts   that is where finance advice plays a critical role.
           of maximising tax-deductible expenses is at the forefront of   Whilst it might sound like future generations will be the   7   Ease your tax season stress
           many people’s minds, a read of page seven may assist in   richest in history, they are also the ones most exposed to
           clarifying those thoughts.        what is amounting to societal changing events in the form of   8   Are the new bitcoin ETFs the
           Moving on from taxation related matters, you may be   artificial intelligence.   gamechanger you’ve been
           interested to know that discussions about the financial and   On November 30, 2022, OpenAI introduced ChatGPT, an AI
           structural complexities of intergenerational wealth transfer   chatbot capable of comprehending and answering a wide   waiting for?
           are on the rise. With that in mind we have included an   range of questions, making suggestions, researching, and
           excellent article on pages 20 and 21.  writing essays, and even telling jokes. Many of these skills are   9   The worlds trillion dollar Stock
           For those of you who are not familiar, intergenerational   currently performed by workers in various jobs worldwide. So,   Markets
           wealth transfer refers to the process of passing assets,   which occupations will face disruption due to generative AI?
           wealth, and financial resources from one generation to the   OpenAI  conducted  a study  to identify U.S.  industries  and   10  Who expects to get richer in
           next.  Typically, this occurs from parents or grandparents   jobs most  “exposed” to large language models (LLMs)
           to their children or grandchildren. As the older generation   like ChatGPT. The term “exposed” refers to the potential   2024, by generation and gender
           ages, they seek to ensure that their hard-earned wealth is   economic impact, without distinguishing between labour-
           preserved and continues to benefit their descendants.  augmenting or labour-displacing effects.  The results   11   How much can client’s earn
           Over the past two decades, wealth transfers in Australia have   encompass both jobs where humans could optimise their   before paying taxes after age 67
           been substantial. The total value of wealth transferred during   work using AI and jobs that could be fully automated.  from 1 July
           this period was approximately $1.5 trillion, with inheritances
           accounting for about 90% of this amount.  Here are some key findings from the study:  12  Mercer periodic table of annual
           These transfers are expected to continue growing, potentially   Accountants: AI can handle 100% of tasks associated with
           quadrupling in real terms by 2050 due to household wealth                     investment returns
           growth and an aging population.   Admin and Legal Assistants: These roles are also 100%
                                             exposed to AI.
           Surprisingly, these wealth transfers have contributed to reducing        14  The potential estate complexities
           some measures of relative wealth inequality in Australia.  Climate Change Policy  Analysts:  AI can assist with   of dying without a will
                                             100% of their tasks.
           Wealthier individuals receive more inheritances and gifts   Reporters & Journalists: AI can fully replace their work.
           in absolute dollar terms. However, when measured against   Mathematicians: Both human and AI models can perform   15  Countries with the most
           their existing wealth, those with less wealth experience a                    billionaires 2024
           much larger boost from inheritances. In other words, wealth   100% of their tasks.
           transfers tend to reduce the share of wealth held by the   Tax Preparers: Human assistance is needed for 100% of   16  Fostering wellbeing in the
           richest Australians.              their work.
           While inherited wealth plays a role in intergenerational   Financial Analysts: AI can handle 100% of their tasks.  workplace
           wealth persistence, it is only a modest contributor.   Writers  & Authors: Human assistance is required for   17  Insurance recovery and claims
           Other factors, such as education, networks, values, and   100% of their work.
           opportunities provided by parents, significantly influence   Web Designers: AI can assist with 100% of their tasks.  process
           relative wealth positions across generations.  Additional  Insights:  repetitive tasks, data analysis, and
           Globally, a significant wealth transfer is underway. Referred   routine decision-making jobs face the highest risk of exposure   18  Regaining financial control after
           to as the ‘great wealth transfer,’ approximately $68 trillion   to AI. Industries related to information processing, such as IT,   a scam
           in assets is expected to shift from the estates of deceased   have a higher exposure to LLM-based artificial intelligence.
           baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) to their   As AI continues to advance, it is crucial for workers to adapt   19  The Mandie Case: the
           heirs over the next 20-30 years. This transfer will shape the   and acquire new skills. While some jobs may be at risk, others
           financial landscape for generations to come.  will emerge to support and enhance AI-driven technologies.   importance of a binding death
           Intergenerational wealth transfer is a complex interplay   The future of work lies in striking a balance between human   benefit nomination
           of financial resources, family dynamics, and societal   expertise and AI capabilities. In signing off, we hope that
           implications. As families navigate this process, understanding   you find this edition of our magazine to be of real value and   20  Connecting an adviser with your
           the balance between preserving  wealth and  fostering   interest and please always feel welcome to contact us at any
           opportunities for the next generation becomes crucial and   time if you have any questions.   children
                                                                                    22  Life in retirement keeps getting
           Byfields Wealth Management                                                    more expensive
           Phil Alvaro | Matthew Yates | Jeremy Cook | Luke Buttersfield
           Level 1, 89 Burswood Rd, Burswood  WA 6100  P 08 9416 2222  23  The Wealth Report 2024
           Disclosure: Phil Alvaro (Authorised Representative No. 231720), Matthew Yates (Authorised Representative No. 404885),
           Jeremy Cook (Authorised Representative No. 441269) and Luke Buttersfield (Authorised Rep No. 242818) are Sub-Authorised
           Representatives of Byfields Wealth Management, a Corporate Authorised Representative of Byfields Advice Pty Ltd AFSL 507506
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