Page 11 - How Australia Retires
P. 11

10         Vanguard   |   How Australia Retires

           Insight 02

           Expectations of retirement differ

           greatly from the reality

           Between working-
           age Australians and               Working-age Australians           brackets. This suggests that as
                                                                               working-age Australians edge
           those already retired,            do not agree on an ideal          closer to their retirement phase,
           there exists significant          age to retire.                    their expectation of the ‘ideal age’
           variance on the ideal             While the average ideal           at which to retire increases. This
                                                                               might be a result of Australians
           age to retire, how                retirement age reported by        becoming more realistic about
           they envision they                respondents is a little over      their retirement age as they
           will spend their time             61 years old, there is significant   near this phase of life, as
                                                                               opposed to younger Australians
                                             variation in responses across the
           during retirement, and            different age groups surveyed.    who might be more idealistic
           crucially, how much                                                 about earlier retirement or
           income will be required           On average, those participants    haven’t yet given retirement
                                                                               planning appropriate thought.
                                             aged between 18 to 34 hope to
           to fund their ideal               retire by age 59.5, those aged
           retirement lifestyle.             between 35 to 54 hope to retire   While there was variance across
                                             by age 61.5, and those aged       age groups, perceptions of the
                                             between 55 to 75 and beyond       ‘ideal age’ to retire did not vary
                                             want or wanted to retire by 64.9   significantly according to levels
                                             years old, a notable increase     of affluence (in terms of current
                                             in ideal age for those entering   household income or by value of
                                             the pre-retirement phase (over    investments) nor gender.
                                             55 years) when compared with
                                             the perceptions of younger age
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