Page 14 - How Australia Retires
P. 14

13        Vanguard   |   Retirement Attitudes Report

                                             Vik & wife

                                             71 years old
                                             Sydney, New South Wales

                                             Vik lives with his wife Nikita in Southern Sydney, and is currently retired.
                                             He emigrated from his country of birth many years ago whereupon he
                                             changed careers and worked for the Federal Government (for almost
                                             20 years). Vik and Nikita sought financial advice and worked hard to
                                             ensure they would be comfortable in retirement. They dreamed of holidays
                                             and moving closer to the beach, but in reality, they now spend most of
                                             their time looking after their grandchildren. For this reason, Vik and Nikita
                                             don’t want to relocate away any more as they enjoy spending time with
                                             their family in retirement.

           Family                            Financial Future and Retirement   Where does Vik see himself  in...
              •  Married with children who   3 words that best describe his    5 years’ time...
               have left home                financial future and retirement      •  Acquire new skills/hobby
                                                                                   such as golf
                                             1.   Secure: Based on the super
           Financial Situation                                                    •  Work as a volunteer
                                                 I have and the expected
              •  Household income of             returns from it                  •  Develop his IT skills, especially
               $55,000-$60,000                                                     with apps
                                             2.  Freedom: Now that I am
              •  Own their home and              retired, I have freedom to       •  Do some daring activities such
               paying off a mortgage             do what I want                    as skydiving
                                             3.  Volunteer: I have accumulated
           Confidence Level Financial            so many skills that I can share   In 10 years’ time…
           Products                              with others                      •  Continue the previously listed
              •  Shares:  Very                                                     activities plus do some world
              •  Bonds: Slightly                                                   travels especially by cruising
                                             He strongly agrees with the
              •  Exchange traded funds       following - “I know how much I
               (ETFs): Moderately            need in my superannuation to have
              •  Managed funds/Investments:   a comfortable retirement.”
                                             Vik feels very confident that he
              •  Savings/deposit account: Very  will be able to fund the lifestyle he
              •  Superannuation: Moderately  wants in retirement.
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