Page 11 - Advice Matters - Byfields Wealth May 24
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We visualize the percentage of high net worth individual
           (HNWI) respondents who  expect their wealth to        How much can
           increase in 2024, categorized by generation and gender,
           from the Knight Frank Next Gen Survey, accessible in their
           latest wealth report.                                 client’s earn before
           The survey covered 600 global HNWIs, who are individuals
           with more than $1 million in assets or make more than   paying taxes after
           $200,000 a year, and then categorized their responses by
           gender and generation.
           Affluent Gen Z Women Eye Financial Gains in 2024      age 67 from 1 July
           At a glance, there’s a very apparent generational difference
           in the expectations of getting richer in 2024.        For those who have reached age pension age, they can
           About half (52%) of the surveyed Baby Boomers think   earn even more without paying tax.
           their assets will grow, compared to Gen X (56%),
           Millennials, (69%), and Gen Z (75%).                  If you are over 67, you get access to the 
                                                                 seniors-and-pensioners-tax-offset on top of the Low
                                                                 Income Tax Offset (LITO). This reduces or eliminates
                                                                 the tax that would normally be liable to pay on some
                                                                 additional income.

                                                                 Using the  SAPTO benefit, the amount you
                                                                 can earn each year as a pensioner before
                                                                 having to pay tax, is:
           Note: Percentage of respondents who said they expect their wealth
           will increase in 2024.
                                                                 $35,813 for single people,
           There’s also a noticeable gender difference. Men tend to be   $31,888 each for members of a couple or
           more optimistic than women, with one glaring exception.
                                                                 $63,776 combined.
           A staggering 81% of the surveyed high net worth Gen Z
           women expect to make hay this year, making them the   The beauty of this benefit is that for clients in the
           most optimistic of all the groups.                    Superannuation Pension phase any income drawn from
           This corroborates a trend where  Gen  Z  women were   a super fund income stream once over 60 is tax-free and
           also the most optimistic in retirement planning. As CNBC   non-assessable, meaning it doesn’t count towards the
           reports, a combination of newer avenues of financial
           resources, and an openness towards advice, has given them   above thresholds.
           a more optimistic attitude than their older counterparts.
                                                                 Based on an earnings rate of 5% this means that a
           Meanwhile, American  Millennials  are expected to     couple could have over $637,500 in each of their names
           become the richest generation ever as a $90 trillion asset
           transfer between Boomer parents and Millennial children   and not pay any tax (not even considering franking
           begins to take place over the next two decades.       credits). But be careful as if you are investing in growth
           A huge percentage of that wealth comes in the form    assets then triggering capital gains in the future may
           of property assets accumulated by generations before   mean exceeding these thresholds whereas within the
           them. This especially includes houses, whose prices have   Superannuation the CGT on pension assets is NIL and
           skyrocketed over the last two decades.
                                                                 10-15% in accumulation.
           in-2024-by-both-generation-and-gender/                Also, consider the tax position if you are likely:
   -   to receive an inheritance
               -   large capital gain on an asset held outside super 
   -   to have one partner live significantly longer (they may
           confident-theyll-be-ready-for-retirement.html            end up with large amounts outside the super system)

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