Page 16 - Advice Matters - Byfields Wealth May 24
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Fostering wellbeing in

                 the workplace

                 Roger was an auditor at a large multi-national consulting firm.   She explained that their organisational policy authorised her to
                 He was a conscientious worker; confident, capable and always   assess Roger’s specific needs in relation to:
                 positive. But Roger’s cheerful smile concealed a private burden.  •  his  tasks,  responsibilities  and  the  people  and  teams  he
                                                                         interacted with,
                 For years, Roger had struggled with depression and anxiety. Yet
                 each day, he put on a brave face at work while sadness and   •  his levels of frustration, stress and boredom,
                 apprehension shadowed him.                           •  appropriate breaks and fatigue recovery,
                                                                      •  enabling his sense of control and flexibility over his workload,
                  According to Beyond Blue, nearly half of us  will   •  implementing policies  and procedures  for  responding to
                  experience  mental  health  concerns  in our  lifetime.  A   bullying, stress and harassment.
                  2019 inquiry by the Australian Productivity Commission   With Roger’s approval, Mary-Ann facilitated a meeting between
                  found that mental ill-health costs Australian businesses   him and Jack, the company’s HR Workplace Health and Safety
                  up to $180 billion per year through lost productivity.   Manager.  Jack provided  Roger  with information  around the
                                                                      company’s mental health policy and external counselling
                  During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people   services.
                  experiencing stress and anxiety related health issues
                  increased dramatically, often resulting from isolation   Roger began seeing a professional counsellor. This, combined
                  and remote work arrangements.                       with the support and resources provided by the company, saw
                                                                      Roger become more confident and able to cope; his smiling face
                 As Roger’s private battle worsened, it began to overwhelm   was no longer a façade.
                 him. He became forgetful, struggled to concentrate and missed
                 deadlines. Such physical symptoms left him feeling even more   Mental health touches every facet of your life, from your
                 depressed, and undermined his self-esteem, leaving him with a   work – how you work and how you feel about work – as
                 sense of hopelessness.                                 well as your life outside of work.
                 Mary-Ann, Roger ’s manager realised something was amiss when   For Roger, his gradual recovery has been a positive transition
                 Roger made a rookie mistake on a simple task. She decided to   that has pervaded not only his work life, but his home and social
                 check-in with him over coffee.                       life as well.

                  Businesses nowadays have a greater awareness of     Roger considers himself a work in progress, but he also says
                  employee mental health and its impacts, than in the   that every day is a better day because he’s no longer fighting
                  past. Nevertheless, many people, fearing judgement and   his battles alone.
                  discrimination, continue to suffer in silence.      Mental health  does not discriminate. It can affect anyone
                                                                      regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or other factors.
                 Relaxed in the neutrality of a café, Roger cautiously confided that
                 he’d been struggling with feelings of anxiety and despondency   Organisations like  Beyond Blue and  Lifeline can provide
                 for some time but had been too afraid to speak up.   assistance if you’re feeling as though life is getting on top of
                                                                      you. Additionally, they provide advice to employers wishing to
                 Mary-Ann  listened  patiently, gently encouraging  him  to talk   ensure their workplaces are supportive environments.
                 about his struggles.
                                                                      If you’re feeling unsettled at work, or you’re struggling to cope,
                 Surprised by her empathy, Roger admitted that he’d been feeling
                 so overwhelmed in group settings that he’d become withdrawn   reach out to your HR department or your manager for guidance.
                 and was unable to contribute to team meetings. He’d even been   Update:   Since regaining control of his personal well-being,
                 avoiding social events with colleagues and friends.  Roger has undertaken the company’s newly created role of
                                                                      Mental Wellness Officer (MWO). He has not relinquished his
                  In recent  years, there has been a shift in attitudes   former duties, but in his capacity as MWO, he provides direction
                  towards mental health in the workplace. Factors such   and help to others in the organisation struggling with workplace
                  as education, support groups, regulatory policy changes   mental health.
                  and organisational culture have contributed.
                                                                      Sources: Key facts – mental health at work
                 Mary-Ann assured Roger that she would fully support him in   (Copyright 2022)
                 seeking assistance, and together they would develop a work Causes of workplace mental injury
                 design to accommodate his needs, including flexible hours and   (Reviewed 30 July 2022)
                 regular one-on-one check-ins.               Website

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