Page 12 - 1. What Wealthy Means to Australians in 2023
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Adoption of enlightened global thinking up new ways of working (work from home)
around personal freedoms, social change that freed us from the drudgery of the daily
and atonement for past transgressions commute (see Graphic 8).
have helped create a modern Australian
There is no one-size-fits-all community The modern concept of
community that is demographically and
today as there was in 1966 when those who
behaviourally diverse. wealthy for middle Australia
didn’t fit in were excluded.
Modern Australia as captured by the (as well as for others) is more
In this regard the modern concept of
2021 Census is a fusion of cultures, ages, than home ownership.”
wealthy for middle Australia (as well as for
ethnicities, sexual orientations, skills and
others) is more than home ownership. It
living arrangements.
may include home ownership, but home
Greater diversity at this scale reflects our ownership no longer equates with the
individual freedom to choose precisely how concept of wealthy, no matter how flash
we want to live. The pandemic even opened the house!
Graphic 8. Work shift: Proportion
Australian workforce working from
home, 1996-2021
2021 21%
2016 4.7%
2011 4.4%
2006 4.7%
2001 5.3%
1996 5.6%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Source: ABS Censuses What wealthy means to Australians in 2023 11