Page 8 - 1. What Wealthy Means to Australians in 2023
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Retirees in the 1980s and 1990s were frugal
                people with modest lifestyle expectations.

          Boomers’ faith in housing was partly   The extension of life expectancy—today
          shaped by their parent’s childhood stories   hovering around the mid-80s—created
          of the need for security during the Great   demand for retirement planning.
          Depression. To both of these generations—  Accumulating wealth via housing and
          boomers and their parents—home      carrying it into retirement wasn’t an issue was generation
          ownership was not just a store of wealth,   in the 1960s when retirement lasted, say,
          it offered security.                five years. Today retirees can live 25              X who first embraced
                                              years beyond official retirement from               inner city-living.”
          At this time, some baby boomers
                                              the workforce.
          reimagined the inner city by renovating
          terrace houses abandoned in the 1960s.   Plus, the ideal of what retirement might
          It was a movement that was to gather   look like has changed. Retirees in the
          momentum, morph into different formats   1980s and 1990s were frugal people
          and eventually (in the 2000s) create a new   with modest lifestyle expectations. Like
          lifeform known as the ‘hipster’.    all Australians retirees today have bigger
                                              expectations of how life might be lived.
          However, it was Generation X who first
          embraced inner-city living in an apartment   And there are now far more older singles,
          format. Apartments clustered near the   often women, who have chosen to remain
          CBD close to universities and often in large   single (often happily so) whilst others have
          scale redevelopment projects in places like   been thrust into singledom via the loss of
          South Sydney, Melbourne’s Southbank and   a life partner.
          Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley.
                                              With such seismic shifts in the social
          By the early 2000s the social structure   structure of the Australian community
          of middle Australia had shifted. More   it is unsurprising that the key concept
          Australians were working. Singledom   defining ‘wealthy’ for middle Australia—
          dominated the 20s although other    home ownership—should be broadened,
          outposts surfaced in the 40s, the 50s and   transformed and boldly reimagined in
          the 60s as couples separated and divorced.    the 2020s.                                                                                                                            What wealthy means to Australians in 2023           7
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