Page 10 - 1. What Wealthy Means to Australians in 2023
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The modern-day house reflects greater   (or parlour). Today the kitchen, and its
          household wealth, changed working      meal preparers are fused with everyday
          habits, fewer kids, and I would argue   family activities like eating and watching
          even the changed role of women in      television (see Graphic 7).
          the household.
                                                 If the house and the household change
          No longer is the kitchen separated from   then so too will change middle Australia’s
          the dining room and the living room    attitude to and thinking about wealth.

            Graphic 6. Richer Australia:  Top 24    Richer Australia:  Top 24 countries ranked
            countries ranked by GDP per capita, 1980  by GDP per capita, 2022

                                   (USD)                                (USD)
               1  United Arab      $40,015         1   Luxembourg      $127,673
                                                   2   Ireland         $102,217
               2  Qatar            $27,242
                                                   3   Norway          $92,646
               3  Kuwait           $20,966
                                                   4   Switzerland     $92,434
               4  Switzerland      $19,427
                                                   5   Qatar           $82,887
               5  Luxembourg       $17,667
                                                   6   Singapore       $79,426
               6  Saudi Arabia     $17,655
                                                   7   United States    $75,180
               7  Sweden           $16,877
                                                   8   Iceland          $73,981
               8  Norway           $15,746         9   Australia       $66,408
               9  Iceland          $15,129         10  Denmark          $65,713
               10  Denmark         $13,886         11  Canada          $56,794
               11  Netherlands     $13,750
                                                   12  Sweden           $56,361
               12  Libya           $13,450
                                                   13  Netherlands     $56,298
               13  France          $13,070
                                                   14  Israel          $55,359
               14  United States   $12,553
                                                   15  Austria         $52,062
               15  Belgium         $12,529
                                                   16  Finland          $50,818             Graphic 7. The way we live:  Typical middle Australia house, 1960-2023
               16  Bahamas, The    $12,289
                                                   17  Belgium         $50,598
               17  Canada          $11,281
                                                   18  Hong Kong SAR   $49,700               1960s                  Today
               18  Finland         $11,258
                                                   19  Germany         $48,398                                                                            WATER
               19  Germany          $11,110                                                                                                               TANKS
                                                   20  United Arab
              20  Australia        $11,000             Emirates        $47,793                                                                      STORE
               21  Austria         $10,732         21  San Marino      $47,700                                                          ZOOM
              22  United Kingdom   $10,715         22  United Kingdom   $47,318
              23  Bahrain          $10,190         23  New Zealand      $47,278                                                                                 VEGGIE
              24  Japan            $9,659          24  Brunei Darussalam  $42,939
             Top 24 countries ranked by GDP per capita, 1980  Top 24 countries ranked by GDP per capita, 2022                 GYM/STORE
             Data source: IMF World Economic Outlook,   Data source: IMF World Economic Outlook,
             October-2022                        October-2022
                                                                                            Source: TDG                                                                                                                            What wealthy means to Australians in 2023           9
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15