Page 9 - 1. What Wealthy Means to Australians in 2023
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          By the 1970s let alone by the 1980s global megaforces
          were reshaping Australia.

          Australia is a wealthy nation. This much is   fairly or even reasonably distributed.
          evident across a number of metrics including   But at least it’s a starting point.
          gross domestic product (or national income).
                                                 And on this basis Australia’s fortunes
          The Washington-based International     have ascended substantially relative to
          Monetary Fund (IMF) tracks GDP in USD    other nations over recent decades.
          on an annual basis for every country on
                                                 A large part of Australia’s success has
          earth. This data can be converted into GDP
                                                 been its rise as a trading and export
          per capita to get a sense of the average
                                                 nation. About one-quarter of our GDP is
          national income.
                                                 currently derived from exports. In 1980
          In 1980 Australia ranked 20th in the world   this proportion was closer to 15 per cent.
          by GDP-per-capita at USD$11,000 sitting just   (Source World Bank.)
          behind Germany ($11,110) and just above
                                                 Globalisation delivered prosperity to many
          Austria ($10,732) (see Graphic 6).
                                                 Australians. This prosperity was transferred
          Just 42 years later Australia’s GDP per capita   into Australian housing. And so too was
          jumped sixfold to rank 9th in the world with   the financial dividend of greater workforce
          USD$66,408 which is just below Iceland   participation by women.
          ($73,981) and just above Denmark ($65,713).
                                                 Australian housing, the great store of
          In fact, the only country ranked above   wealth for many, morphed as a
          Australia today in GDP per capita, and with
                                                 consequence. Out with the 3-bedroom
          an equal or larger population, is the US (7th)
                                                 brick veneer (or weatherboard and iron);
          with USD$75,180.                                                                              About one-quarter of our GDP is
                                                 in with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2
          Of course, there are issues in every country   living rooms and, since the pandemic,          currently derived from exports. In 1980 this
          as to whether a notional GDP per capita is   a Zoom room capability.                          proportion was closer to 15 per cent.”

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