Page 4 - 1. What Wealthy Means to Australians in 2023
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2 .    HO W  HOM E  O W N E R S H I P
               D EL I V ER ED  S E C U R I T Y

          The Australian nation has undergone significant demographic
          and social change over the last 50 years.

          Immigration rates have increased.   Superannuation Guarantee introduced
          Workforce participation rates have   in 1992 was intended to assure
          jumped. Young people have postponed   Australians of dignity and of a level of
          commitment to marriage from early- to   independence in retirement.
          late-20s. Life expectancy has increased.   One of the most important social shifts
          Even the nature of work has changed:   has been the rise of the individual. In
          there’s fewer manufacturing jobs, more   a direct comparison between the way          One of the most important
          knowledge worker jobs.             Australians live in 2023 with the way we           social shifts has been the

          Generally social change takes effect   lived 60 years ago in 1963 it is evident       rise of the individual.”
          slowly but occasionally there are events   that that there is now more ‘alone time’
                                             across the lifecycle.
          that serve as markers of seismic shifts.
          The introduction of No-Fault divorce   This is due to changes in thinking about
          in 1975 freed many Australians from   commitment; it is also a dividend of
          the burden of unhappy marriages. The   increased life expectancy.

            Graphic 1. Lifecycle shift:  Change in the Australian life stages, 1950-2023

             2023  Child  Adolescence    Adult     Lifestyle  Retired  Old  84

             1990  Child  Teen            Adult             Old   77

             1950   Child             Adult             Old   69

                 0     10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80     90

          Source: ABS, The Demographics Group
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