Page 22 - Advice Matters - Byfields Wealth May 24
P. 22

Life in retirement keeps

                 getting more expensive

                 The latest rise in the Age Pension rate still falls short of   Under the Age Pension income test, singles can also earn up
                 what many people may need to have a modest lifestyle   to $204 per fortnight ($5,304 per year) and couples $360 per
                 in retirement.                                       fortnight ($9,360 per year) before their fortnightly full  Age
                 Around 2.58 million Australians received a 1.78% government   Pension payments are reduced based on every dollar earned
                 Age Pension payment boost on March 20 as part of Centrelink’s   above these amounts.
                 twice-yearly indexation review.                      But to have a comfortable retirement, which ASFA defines as
                 They included the 1.76 million people who receive a full Age   being able to maintain a good standard of living without major
                 Pension, according to Department of Social Services December   spending restrictions, the association has calculated that single
                 2023 quarterly data, and a further 806,670 who qualify for   retirees will need an annual income of $51,278.30 and couples
                 part pension payments based on them having passed either   $72,148.19.
                 Centrelink’s “income” or “assets” pension means tests, or both.  These levels are significantly above the full Age Pension rates and
                                                                      are much more likely to be achieved by individuals and couples
                 The raise means the full Age Pension rate for singles has risen by
                 $19.60 to $1,116.30 per fortnight, and for couples by $14.70 to   who are able to generate higher account-based pension income
                                                                      from their accumulated retirement savings balances and other
                 $841.40 per fortnight each. These amounts equate to $29,023.80
                 and $43,752.80 per year, respectively.               income-producing assets.
                                                                      In doing so, they are more likely to fall outside of both the income
                 Yet, with cost-of-living pressures continuing to mount, receiving   test and assets test boundaries to actually qualify for the Age
                 only the full Age Pension without the benefit of other sources   Pension (at least during the early phase of their retirement
                 of regular income means that even having a modest lifestyle in   until their pension drawdowns over time bring them within
                 retirement may be out of reach for many Australians.  Centrelink’s limits for receiving a full or part Age Pension).
                 Retirement costs have spiked                         The benefits of good retirement planning
                 December 2023 quarterly data released by the Association of   The 2023  thematic review  of the retirement income covenant
                 Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) shows that rises in   by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and
                 everyday living expenses had pushed up the amounts needed   the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) into
                 to fund a good standard of living in retirement to record levels.  how  super  trustees  are  helping  members  enhance  retirement
                 Falling inflation levels should help to reduce some of these living   outcomes concluded that more needs to be done to improve
                 costs, but certainly not all of them.                superannuation member outcomes in retirement.
                 Weekly budgets for various households and living     Longevity risk – the risk of outliving savings – is a key concern
                 standards for those aged around 65 (December quarter   for retirees in deciding how to draw down their superannuation
                 2023, national)                                      during retirement.
                                                                      “Most people rely on the Government for protection against
                                  Single   Couple  Single   Couple
                 Household                                            longevity risk through the  Age Pension, which provides a
                                  Modest  Modest  Comfortable Comfortable
                 Housing - ongoing only  $118.48  $133.61  $139.37  $145.49  safety net for retirees who outlive their savings,” according to
                                                                      the Intergenerational Report 2023.
                 Energy           $40.68  $54.64  $51.54  $63.92
                 Food             $109.64  $203.27  $141.76  $246.38  “Well-designed superannuation retirement products can assist
                 Clothing         $21.16  $40.21  $28.26  $52.63      retirees to make decisions to help smooth consumption over
                 Household goods & services $39.40  $46.25  $85.24  $105.69  retirement – aligning income needs with expenditure needs –
                 Health           $55.53  $107.50  $112.94  $211.63   and draw  down on their  balances  efficiently. This would  also
                 Transport        $109.57  $116.71  $179.02  $193.91  enable decision making early in retirement.”
                 Leisure          $113.03  $117.47  $221.33  $332.71  Preparing well ahead for life in retirement is key. A good starting
                 Communications   $18.29  $20.61  $22.88  $29.78      point for many  Australians should be to seek out professional
                 Total per week   $625.78  $900.27  $982.34  $1,382.15  financial advice, especially in the context of retirement spending and
                 Total per year   $32,666  $46,994  $51,278  $72,148  understanding how the Age Pension may play an important role.
                 Source: ASFA                                         Source:
                 The annual cost for a single person aged between 65 and 84   retirement/expensive-life-in-retirement
                 to have a modest lifestyle in retirement was $32,665.66. This is
                 about 12.5% above the new full Age Pension rate.     e177fe0ac6a0/distribution/dist-dga-d3fc019c-0b4d-401a-937a-
                 ASFA defines a modest retirement lifestyle income as one that
                 enables retirees to afford basic health insurance and infrequent   pension?context=22526
                 exercise, leisure and social activities with family and friends.
                 For couples, ASFA found that $46,994.28 per year was needed to   pension?context=22526#a1
                 have a modest retirement. This level is only about 7.4% above
                 the new full Age Pension rate for couples.           july-2023.pdf

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