Page 21 - Advice Matters - Byfields Wealth May 24
P. 21

Connecting an adviser with your children

           How this wealth gets passed on could be the biggest financial   investments: Younger generations want to invest in things
           change in  Australia’s history. It could also be the biggest   they feel good about. They’re looking for advice to ensure
           opportunity in advice that has ever existed.             their investments align with their values.
           Building trust across generations                     •  Building a client value proposition: The value advisers
                                                                    provide to you doesn’t necessarily matter to your children.
           We know it’s critical for advisers to  reach  Australians at a   Advisers need to demonstrate the value and utility of their
           younger stage of life. But there’s a lot of groundwork that needs   advice to your children.
           to be done before an adviser can start advising your children.
                                                                 •  Focus on the tech stack: Millennials and zoomers are
           Talking to other people’s children about money is a delicate   technology-first  generations.  Advisers  should  meet  them
           matter. Wealth transfers and inheritance planning are not regular   where they are when it comes to harnessing technology in
           topics of conversation at the family level. Understandably, many   their interactions and advice delivery.
           families find subjects such as death and the future division of   Technology is no substitute for real human connection, but in
           wealth as unpleasant and potentially sensitive, especially when   the right context it can help advisers engage on a deeper level,
           multiple heirs are involved.
                                                                 communicate the full value of their advice, and make certain
           Building  trust  across  generations  helps  facilitate  open   tasks quicker and easier.
           discussions about the intended treatment of assets, as well as
           the ‘who’, ‘how’ and ‘when’ of transferring wealth. This requires   When it comes to ensuring investments are sufficiently
           talking to both generations, not just the older one.  diversified, staying informed about the markets, modelling
                                                                 different scenarios, and monitoring investments, a significant
           So, how should advisers ideally approach intergenerational   proportion of clients prefer technology to be involved.
           wealth transfers with you and your children?
                                                                 For trust and confidence, feeling listened to, and knowing their
           Advisers may have a strong, long-standing relationship with   goals  are  understood,  clients  overwhelmingly  prefer  human
           you, but that doesn’t mean they can automatically win trust   delivery.
           from your children.
                                                                 Figure 3: Investors prefer emotional and financial
           Here are some important considerations for advisers when   planning services to be delivered by humans
           engaging clients across the generational divide:      Investor stated preferences (top 10 preferred for
           •  Younger clients describe themselves through their   human delivery)
 Source: August 2021 Census - Australians turning 55 by year, Australian Bureau of Statistics. 

           Figure 4: Investors have highest preference for digital services for portfolio outcomes and functional tasks

           Notes: Quantitative research conducted by Vanguard in July   10 meant “Completely delivered by a digital service.” Clients
           2021. In this figure, all 1,518 clients answered the question. They   were considered to prefer human delivery if their rating was
           were presented with the micro-interactions and asked to rate   between 0 and 4 and digital delivery of the service if their rating
           whether they preferred that service to be delivered by a human   was between 6 and 10. Sources: Vanguard and Escalent, 2021.
           or a digital adviser. The ratings were presented on an 11-point   Source:
           scale, where 0 meant “Completely delivered by a human” and   investing/life-events/connecting-an-adviser-with-your-children

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