Page 17 - Advice Matters - Byfields Wealth May 24
P. 17

Insurance recovery and

           claims process

           After disaster hits                                   The initial scope of works may need to be reassessed after
                                                                 repairs have started or if further damage is uncovered –
           Commence claim                                        and that is ok, revision of the scope of works is a normal
           First step is contacting your insurer and you can do this,   part of the process.
           even if you don’t know the full-extent of damage.
           Make safe                                             Repair / replace or cash settlement
           If your property has been damaged, your insurer will   Repair or replace 
           arrange emergency works as soon as it is safe to do so   Once your Scope of Work has been agreed, it’s time to
           to minimise any hazards and prevent further damage. This   repair or replace the damaged property. If your insurer is
           can include removing loose debris, isolating damaged   managing the repair/rebuild, they will appoint a builder,
           solar panels or electrical circuits and installing a roof tarp.  arrange the contracts and notify you of the construction
           Assessing the damage                                  schedule.  Your insurer will also manage local council
           An insurance assessor (or claims adjuster) will inspect   approvals as required.
           the damage to your property. Specialist reports may be   Cash settlement
           required to determine aspects of your claim, for example   Alternatively, you may take a cash settlement to manage
           Hydrologists may be required to determine the cause   the repair or rebuilding work yourself. It’s important that
           of water inundation and Engineers may be required to   you comply with council regulations and buildings codes,
           consider any structural damage.                       as well as using a licensed builder. If you fail to do this,

           Claim decision                                        your home may not be insurable in the future.
           This is a key claim milestone where your Insurer will   Feedback / complaints
           confirm what you are covered for.  The nature of a claim
           will determine how long it takes to make a claim decision,   If you are unhappy with the handling of your insurance
           for example where specialist reports are required the   claim, you can lodge a complaint with your insurer. Your
           decision process will generally take longer           insurer has a dedicated dispute resolution process to
                                                                 resolve your concerns. And as AFCA will highlight, if you
           Scope of Work (or Statement of Work)                  need further assistance, you can contact the Australian
                                                                 Financial Complaints Authority.
           The Scope of Work is the written report that sets out the
           repair or rebuild work to be performed and end products   Source:
           that are expected to be used. It’s important to read the   process/
           report and let your insurer know if changes are required.

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