Page 20 - Advice Matters - Byfields Wealth May 24
P. 20

Connecting an adviser with your children

                 How parents and advisers can work together to        power of advice lies: its ability to transform families by building
                 manage intergenerational wealth transfers.           intergenerational wealth.
                 We’re told our time horizon shrinks as we age. This makes sense,   The intergenerational wealth opportunity
                 because the closer we get to retirement, the less time we have   Australia is nearing the crest of a retirement wave. As the baby
                 left to accumulate wealth. And the nearer we come to having to   boomer generation looks to pass on wealth, those in receipt of
                 eventually draw down on that wealth.                 it will likely need guidance.
                 But retirement often throws up a whole new set of priorities.   For the emerging generation of wealth builders, what were once
                 Instead of our own time horizon, we’re now thinking about   reasonably straightforward considerations around saving and
                 our children’s time horizon; and, as they may have their own   budgeting may suddenly become more substantial.
                 families, even their children’s time horizon.        Figure 1: We have gone from an accumulation system
                 Suddenly, the priority is not just to make your wealth last, but   to decumulation
                 to preserve it for the next generation. And that’s where the real   Australians moving into retirement by year

                                Source: August 2021 Census - Australians turning 55 by year, Australian Bureau of Statistics. 

                 And for both the younger and older generations, conversations   some modelling, we can get a reasonable idea of the wealth set
                 around estate planning, inheritance, business succession, the   to change hands.
                 family home, tax issues, and aged care can open an emotional   According to CoreData Research, the baby boomer generation
                 can of worms.
                                                                      holds around $4.9 trillion in total assets. This wealth is held by
                 Building trust with both cohorts is essential before these   over 4 million baby boomers, including a small group of wealthy
                 conversations can take place. Putting the time in now is worth it   “baby boomers” with $1.3 trillion in assets.
                 given the potential size of the opportunity.
                                                                      Figure 2: The size of the opportunity: 2% of baby
                 Estimating wealth in aggregate is notoriously difficult,   boomers are high net worth baby boomers, while 1%
                 especially when you factor in businesses, home contents, non-  of total population are high net worth investors.
                 superannuation investments and non-financial assets. But with

                              Source: CoreData modelling (updated November 2023).

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