Page 9 - Best of the Best | The Only Prescription for Healthy Finances
P. 9

W       hy we view Commonwealth
            Why we view Commonwealth

        Bank as th                       e high              est qualit                   y of th             e
        Bank as the highest quality of the

                                      big four banks
                                      big four banks

          S e an  S e q ue i r a  Ch ie f  I n v e s t m e n t  O f fi c e r ,  A u s t r alian  E a gl e
          Sean Sequeira Chief Investment Officer, Australian Eagle

                         Sean shares why the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ASX:CBA) is the bank assessed as the
                         highest quality by the Australian Eagle team.

          At Australian Eagle, the external environment is not something we   With household budgets already stretched thin by inflation, the
          can control but it is something we do pay attention to. It plays a part   collective fear is that some Australian mortgagees may not be able
          in our investment thesis on stocks and will always be an important   to handle such a fast rate rise, especially when wage inflation is
          consideration in terms of our assessment of the quality of a   struggling to keep up. Banks traditionally make higher margins
          company. However, the investment team tends to focus more on the   when interest rates go up but if more loans become impaired than
          inherent fundamentals of stocks especially those involving factors   expected, it may offset the normal benefit of higher rates. As a
          under management’s control. The assessment of the quality of the   result, the effect of the RBA’s actions may be perceived as somewhat
          Commonwealth Bank (ASX:CBA) and its big four bank competitors   of a double-edged sword for now.
          presents an interesting scenario worth looking deeper into, both
          from an internal and external environment perspective.  COMMONWEALTH

          The Australian equities market has a large weighting towards the   BANK OF AUSTRALIA
          bank sector, with the big four banks representing over 22 per
          cent of the S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index in terms of market   IS THE LARGEST
          capitalisation. The great Australian dream is to own your own home
          (and a few more to rent out!) and many Australians have achieved   OF THE BIG FOUR
          to $10 trillion, four times the size of the stock market. As the big four  BANKS AND THE ONE
          this, making the Australian residential property market worth close
          banks have just under 80 per cent market share of the residential   ASSESSED AS THE
          property mortgage loan market, their fortunes remain closely tied
          to residential property prices which are also directly tied to interest   HIGHEST QUALITY
          rates. However, the effect of this relationship is not always clear,
          especially in the current environment where no one knows how   BY OUR INVESTMENT
          long interest rates will rise for or to what level they may rise to. The   TEAM.
          Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has already hiked interest rates
          at an unprecedented 7 consecutive meetings since May 2022 to
          combat high inflation.

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