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Data & Methodology                                        Business Cycle

        For our analysis, we use the historical performance of the Quality   We break up the business cycle into four stages:
        factor and the historical stages of the business cycle. We constrain
        our analysis to the U.S. — where there is the most readily available   •  Early: Economic output recovers following Recessions where
        and complete data, courtesy of FRED.  All results listed in this   activity has contracted. Typically low interest rates and
        report are computed between June 1976 and September 2022.   stimulative policy.
        Data from FRED, which is used to label stages of the business    •  Mid: Moderate growth in the economy, stimulative policy
        cycle, is available beginning in June 1976, marking the start of    pulls back.
        the analysis.                                             •  Late: Growth in the economy begins to slow as its activity
                                                                    comes to a peak.
        Quality                                                   •  Recession: Economic activity declines.

        The Quality factor generally refers to securities with robust   We label the stages of the business cycles by imitating an analysis
        financials, consistent growth, and stable earnings. However, the   from BlackRock.  We use a clustering algorithm that groups
        actual implementation of these ideas varies depending on the   economically similar periods together and assigns four scores for
        index, fund, or study. For this analysis, we measure Quality as the   each stage. These scores are similar to a probability that a period
        difference between the monthly returns of the “MSCI USA Quality   is in a specific stage. For each period we take the output from
        Index” and the “MSCI USA Index.” MSCI’s quality index “aims to   the algorithm and label periods, using the stage with the highest
        capture the performance of quality growth stocks by identifying   score. Then we adjust these labels, using the following overrides.
        stocks with high quality scores based on three main fundamental   All periods defined as a recession by NBER (National Bureau of
        variables: high return on equity (ROE), stable year-over-year   Economic Reasearch) are labeled as “Recession.” Where previously
        earnings growth, and low financial leverage.”             the algorithm had assigned the “Recession” label and NBER does

        Output Gap and the Business Cycle



          Output Gap  -1



             1975      1980       1985      1990       1995      2000       2005      2010       2015      2020
                                 Early       Mid        Late        Recession       NBER Recession

        Figure 1: Source: Polen Capital, FRED, NBER, International Monetary Fund. The “Output Gap” is an economic measure of the difference between the actual
        output of an economy and its potential output. Potential output is the maximum amount of goods and services an economy can turn out when its most
        efficient — that is, at full capacity. A negative output gap occurs when actual output is below potential output. A positive output gap occurs when the economy
        is “overachieving.” Data latest available as of September 30, 2022.

        2  Federal Reserve Economic Data (
        4  Stretching the cycle - Insights | BlackRock

     2     Polen Capital
           Quality’s Performance Across the Business Cycle
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18