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This is due to their ability to retain the lion’s share of the retail   A rising tide does lift all boats but when the conditions become
          banking market in addition to earning a higher net interest margin   unfavourable, the smaller or less structurally sound boats sometimes
          income relative to its competitors. The key strength of CBA’s business   struggle to stay afloat. CBA is the largest and most well-constructed
          is its large and loyal retail customer base of around 10 million   of the big four banks. The systems and structures set in place by
          customers, compared to the smallest of the big four banks, ANZ with   management have set the company up to be the best prepared of
          around 5 million retail customers.                  its peers to ride out the short term volatility that may result from the
                                                              unpredictable external environment. If it ends up that the fears of
          The recent results commentary from management of the remaining
          big four and smaller banks have stated that they are losing market   increased bad debts was overblown, this ensuing rising tide will
          share due to increasing price competition. CBA’s ability to retain   still benefit CBA as it has the largest market share and is the most
          their market share despite such stiff price competition in a market   profitable of the big four, both on an absolute and relative basis.
          selling a relatively homogenised product is a sign of a high-quality   The Montgomery Funds own shares in the Commonwealth Bank of
          company. As funding costs across the industry are broadly similar,   Australia. This article was prepared 24 November 2022 with the
          the profitability metrics of CBA are telling us that they are charging   information we have today, and our view may change. It does not
          premium prices so the brand perception is sometimes just as, if not   constitute formal advice or professional investment advice. If you
          more important than the price itself. Being able to maintain large   wish to trade the Commonwealth Bank of Australia you should seek
          volumes of customers while earning high margins has naturally   financial advice.
          resulted in a relatively elevated return on capital, meaning CBA’s
          Return on Equity (RoE) metrics have remained consistently above its
          competitors throughout past and current interest rate cycles.
          The highly profitable operations of CBA have manifested an
          ability to invest more capital to ensure their market share is at least
          maintained and/or grown, especially through their heavy ongoing
          investment in technology upgrades for their internal systems
          and customer products. CBA’s complete overhaul of its core IT
          infrastructure some years ago still sets them apart from competition
          and in a world where technology is moving at an accelerating
          pace, it allows the savvy and efficient deployment of new products
          at a pace with which its competitors have a hard time keeping up.

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