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Quality’s Performance Across the

        Business Cycle

        Key Findings from Our Analysis                            •  Quality also does well in Late stages, with robust performance
                                                                    in all five observed complete periods but with negative returns
        •  Quality, measured as the difference between the monthly   in the partial ongoing stage that our methodology estimates we
           returns of the “MSCI USA Quality Index” and the “MSCI USA   are in today. Quality’s average performance for Late stages is
           Index,” performs well in the observed historical period between   2.8% and statistically significant.
           June 1976 and September 2022. Historical annualized average
           performance is 1.0%.                                   •  Quality typically does well in Mid stages, with positive returns
                                                                    in four of the six observed periods. Average outperformance for
        •  Quality has historically performed best in Recession stages, with   Mid stage is 1.0%.
           positive performance in four of five observed periods — negative
           returns between Q3 1990 and Q1 1991 (with average annualized   •  Quality has underperformed in Early stages, with negative
           returns of only -0.1%). Average performance for Recession   average returns in all five observed complete periods and
           stages is 3.9% and statistically significant.            the beginning partial period starting in 1976. Average
                                                                    underperformance for Early stages is -2.1% but not
                                                                    statistically significant.

         Stage                Excess Return     Tracking Error   Information Ratio       N              P-value
         Early                   -2.1%             4.0%              (0.54)             133               7%
         Mid                     1.0%              3.2%              0.30               243               18%
         Late                    2.8%              3.7%               0.76              105               2%
         Recession               3.9%              4.8%               0.82              75                4%
         Full Period             1.0%              3.8%               0.26              556               8%

        Definitions for categories above listed on page 6

        Introduction                                              Observing the performance of Quality for each of these unique
                                                                  periods yields evidence that Quality stocks tend to perform better
        Quality stocks have been shown in studies to have robust historical   in Late and Recession stages, while underperforming in Early
        performances.  This analysis takes a deeper look into the Quality   stages. Quality’s performance in Mid stages is also generally solid;
        factor’s performance by breaking out its history into the four   however, there are multiple periods in this stage where the
        stages of the business cycle: Early, Mid, Late, and Recession.   Quality factor has underperformed, including the late ’70s and the
                                                                  mid 2000s.
        1  Asness, C.S., Frazzini, A. & Pedersen, L.H. Quality minus junk. Rev Account Stud 24, 34–112 (2019).

     1     Polen Capital
           Quality’s Performance Across the Business Cycle
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